Computing at Beaufront First School
At Beaufront County First School we believe that a high quality, relevant and challenging computing curriculum is essential if children are to have the confidence and capability to use computing throughout their life, in the workplace and as an active participant in a digital world.
In our Early Years Foundation Stage, we aim to:
* Ensure children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools.
* Encourage children to select and use technology for particular purposes with confidence and skill
* Inspire and excite children with the potential of technology
In Key Stage 1 and 2 children study the National Curriculum for Computing and we aim to:
Ensure that all pupils become digitally literate by using technology safely, respectfully and responsibly.
Enable children to understand the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.
Ensure children use information technology to create programs and a range of content.
Early Years
* Provide children with a broad, play-based experience of computing in a range of contexts, including outdoor play.
* Provide a learning environment which features ICT scenarios based on experience in the real world, such as in role play.
*Children learn E-safety rules such as telling an adult if something appears on their computer or iPad about which they are unsure.
*Children enjoy regular opportunities to develop confidence, control and language skills through using the interactive whiteboard, iPads, computers and programmable toys.
Key Stage 1 and 2
The National Curriculum for Computing makes clear the three aspects of the computing curriculum: computer science, information technology and digital literacy, and we aim to teach these through a combination of discrete teaching and cross-curricular learning.
*Computing is taught in interesting and meaningful contexts which engage and inspire children.
*Teachers model skills and knowledge clearly and help all pupils to achieve the highest possible standards of achievement.
*Children develop computational thinking through problem solving, logic and creative activities.
*Teachers use computing vocabulary correctly through explaining key concepts.
* All children helped to become autonomous users of ICT and able to use the learning platform – school360- at home and school.
*Children used as Digital Leaders to help organise resources, support and teach other children and work as role models for using ICT.
*Children understand how to use ICT safely and responsibly by completing discrete units of work and through whole school events such as Safer Internet Day.
* Parents educated on how to help their children use ICT safely at home by informing them about internet safety through our school website and regular newsletters.
*ICT used to support and enhance teaching and learning in other areas of the curriculum.
*Celebrate success in the use of ICT and Computing through displays, assemblies and whole school events.
* Children use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly.
* Children who are engaged, inspired and challenged by computing.
* Confident programmers and technicians.
* Children value computing skills and understanding and see the relevance to their own lives.
* Children’s computing work is of a high standard.
We will measure the impact of our Computing curriculum through the following methods:
*Teachers will make on-going, formative assessments of children’s ICT skills and understanding as part of every lesson as they observe, discuss work in progress and question individuals and groups.
* Evidence of a pupil’s computing work is saved on to computers or ipads. Other work may be printed and filed within the subject from which the task was set, or in a computing workbook. Children’s work may also be saved on the learning platform – school360 or to the school’s shared file.
*Children’s engagement in computing activities in class as well as whole school events.
* Children are confident to discuss their learning and can support their peers and less confident children with their computing.