Phonics and Reading at Beaufront

Phonics and Reading Overview

At Beaufront First School in Early Years, KS1 and if needed, in KS2, we follow the Read Write Inc programme to teach Phonics. While this is a prescriptive programme of study, as experienced and skilled teachers we ensure that all Phonics sessions and activities are carefully differentiated to meet the needs of all our children.


Phonics begins in Nursery with children practising and developing their listening skills, distinguishing one sound from another, learning to play with sounds through songs, rhymes and stories, and eventually beginning to hear, say and recognise initial sounds and sounds in words. This journey continues into Reception and KS1 when children learn in a more formal manner the individual sounds and letters that make up the English alphabet, the graphemes that comprise of more than one letter (digraphs and trigraphs) to make one sound, and how to blend and segment to read and write with increasing independence. 


Our reading scheme has recently been updated to match the Read Write Inc programme for Phonics but we have also been fortunate enough to be able to put into place a fantastic reading system called 'Accelerated Reader'. This is largely used for upper KS1 children and all KS2 children and enables teachers, children and parents to carefully choose books aimed to engage and challenger individual readers, track progress and develop a wider vocabulary with a deeper understanding of language and the books that they read. Our book collection continues to be updated as we fully implement the new systems during this academic year, 2021-2022.


We believe that we have selected the programmes and schemes that will suit all learners at Beaufront and that will continue to enable us to develop strong, confident and engaged readers with a genuine love of books and reading. 


For more information about Read Write Inc and Accelerated Reader, please see the links below, including our own 'RWI at Beaufront Parent Support Document'.