Beaufront SENCO is Mrs Gemma Boucetla, Acting Assistant Head Teacher
We believe that every child in our school is entitled to a high quality education within a broad and balanced school curriculum that is accessible to each child. Each child with an identified SEND is valued as an individual and their specific needs are addressed so that they can experience all aspects of school life.
At Beaufront First School, we offer a range of provision to support children with additional needs (for example, communication and interaction; cognition and learning difficulties; social mental and health problems, sensory needs and physical needs).

 As we are a small school, we do not have a high number of children with any one type of need, but we are very adaptable to the needs of the children that we have at any one time. Every teacher is a teacher of SEND and the whole school supports each child.

 In the last four years we have supported: a child with physical, medical needs,  children with specific dietary requirements, children with Dyslexic tendencies (diagnosed and undiagnosed); children with ADHD; children with ASD (diagnosed and undiagnosed) this includes high achievers; children with some form of developmental co-ordination disorder; and children with social, emotional and mental health needs.

 The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 require the school to publish certain information regarding our provision for pupils with SEND. We hope that parents/carers of current and prospective pupils find the following information helpful, and we encourage all interested parties to contact the school.

Beaufront First School delivers Northumberland County Council’s local offer to ensure that appropriate special educational provision for each child is made within mainstream school, and will deliver extra provision when necessary. Our school is experienced at supporting parents and applying for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments.